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Class Descriptions
Targets the core abdominal area so is perfect for getting flat tummy as well as perfectly toned arms and legs
50-minute class
If you want to get long, lean and posture perfect
If you want strong core and toned muscles
Suitable for all levels
Offering alternatives/modifications or challenging variations to exercises
Strengthens and lengthens at the same time
Offers a variety of exercises, no two classes are the same. Always focuses on the core but targets each muscle group​
The philosophy of both Yoga and Pilates makes blending the two very natural
50-minute class
Combines Yoga stretching Asanas with Pilates strengthening moves
Suitable for all levels
Offering alternatives/modifications or challenging variations to exercises
Stimulates your internal organs promoting health
Works every inch of your body
Finishes with a few minutes of relaxation, perfect way to end the day​
Vinyasa (translates to “flowing with breath”) is a dynamic style of Hatha yoga which joins physical postures (Asanas), with the breath (inhales and exhales) creating a rhythm for the practice
50-minute class
Stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath
Offers a variety of posture, no two classes are ever alike
Suitable for all levels
Offering alternatives/modifications or challenging variations to Asanas
Finishes with 10 minutes of relaxation
Introducing gentle cardio Pilates exercises (no jumping) and connecting these standing movements with mat Pilates strengthening and Yoga stretching. Burn loads of calories, and challenge your body
45-minute class
Combining cardio Pilates standing moves will sculpt your core while torching fat
Low-impact and muscular strength and endurance movements
Suitable for all levels
Offering alternatives/modifications or challenging variations
Stretching for flexibility
Rule of thumb
Perform workouts a minimum of three times per week.
This schedule will increase strength, flexibility, and endurance.
However, it should be thought of as the minimum, not the ideal.
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